April 22nd, 2010
Interesting, fun, memorable items worth noting: Parts of this ride are quite enjoyable. For example, the northern portion of I - 295 in New Jersey is interesting scenery (especially during fall foliage). New Jersey Turnpike is always interesting, but of course way under designed (see: http://theultimateroadtripamericac2c.blogspot.com/2009/10/new-jersey-and-new-jersey-turnpike.html ). 440 on both sides of the state line is cool because its leading you towards Gotham and Long Island, but it is in horrible condition, even in light of typical roads conditions these days. Outerbridge Crossing is cool for a view, but nearly nightmare-ish through the narrow portion (but still better than the Goethals Bridge). Verrazanno Narrows Bridge is impressive and onto the Belt Parkway one goes. Of course, the Belt Parkway, like most of the greater NYC roadways is also horribly under-designed. Southern State is a nice ride if traffic is not too fierce. And, when traffic is extremely bad during any portion of this journey, one can always people watch or look to say hello to others in the traffic jam with you - there typically will be many others .
Overall roadway conditions grade for this journey: 'D+'
I mean..., what's with our governments? They want no one to drive onto any of the islands in New York? Why not build a new bridge or tunnel or two? Why must we be dependent on these access routes that are nearly 60+ years old? Do the governments of our land not care? Apparently not, unfortunately.
Adam Trotter / AVT
Thursday, April 22, 2010
New Jersey to Long Island, I - 295, NJ Turnpike, NJ - 440, Outer Bridge Crossing, NY - 440, Staten Island Expressway, Belt Parkway, Southern State
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
New Jersey, I-295
April 12th, 2010
Interesting, fun, and memorable items worth noting: I-295 is a relaxing and free alternative to the southern portion of the New Jersey Turnpike. This road provides a good feel for the topography of South Jersey as well. I would suggest always taking I-295 for as long as possible to avoid the high tolls of the Turnpike.
Overall, I would give the road a grade of ‘B-’
Adam Trotter / AVT
Interesting, fun, and memorable items worth noting: I-295 is a relaxing and free alternative to the southern portion of the New Jersey Turnpike. This road provides a good feel for the topography of South Jersey as well. I would suggest always taking I-295 for as long as possible to avoid the high tolls of the Turnpike.
Overall, I would give the road a grade of ‘B-’
Adam Trotter / AVT
Delaware, I-95, I-295
April 12th, 2010
Interesting, fun, and memorable items worth noting: I-95 through Delaware is an interesting stretch of roadway. However, to really see the interesting parts of Delaware, one needs to get of I-95 and head down a side road. For example, New Castle is an interesting city to visit. However, the Delaware Memorial Bridge is an impressive engineering structure.
Overall, I would give the roads a grade of ‘B’
Adam Trotter / AVT
Interesting, fun, and memorable items worth noting: I-95 through Delaware is an interesting stretch of roadway. However, to really see the interesting parts of Delaware, one needs to get of I-95 and head down a side road. For example, New Castle is an interesting city to visit. However, the Delaware Memorial Bridge is an impressive engineering structure.
Overall, I would give the roads a grade of ‘B’
Adam Trotter / AVT
Maryland, US-340, I-70, I-695, I-95
April 12th, 2010
Interesting, fun, and memorable items worth noting: Along this route in Maryland, one will encounter many interesting places should one have the time to enjoy them. From the Appalachian Trail and Blair Witch Project regions to the top of the Chesapeake Bay, this is also a nice ride. The ride is even better if one does not encounter any traffic jams through the region.
Overall, I would give the roads a grade of ‘B’
Adam Trotter / AVT
Interesting, fun, and memorable items worth noting: Along this route in Maryland, one will encounter many interesting places should one have the time to enjoy them. From the Appalachian Trail and Blair Witch Project regions to the top of the Chesapeake Bay, this is also a nice ride. The ride is even better if one does not encounter any traffic jams through the region.
Overall, I would give the roads a grade of ‘B’
Adam Trotter / AVT
West Virginia, US-340
April 12th, 2010
Interesting, fun, and memorable items worth noting: This is another ride that brings memories of my early years. This road through the eastern panhandle of West Virginia runs from Winchester, Virginia to Frederick, Maryland. There are some fantastic sites along this road as well; not the least of interest being the Harper’s Ferry National Historic Park. If you have the time, take a detour and ride alongside the Shenandoah River on one of West Virginia’s country roads.
Overall, I would give the roads a grade of ‘B’
Adam Trotter / AVT
Interesting, fun, and memorable items worth noting: This is another ride that brings memories of my early years. This road through the eastern panhandle of West Virginia runs from Winchester, Virginia to Frederick, Maryland. There are some fantastic sites along this road as well; not the least of interest being the Harper’s Ferry National Historic Park. If you have the time, take a detour and ride alongside the Shenandoah River on one of West Virginia’s country roads.
Overall, I would give the roads a grade of ‘B’
Adam Trotter / AVT
Virginia, I-81, Va-7, US-340
April 11th, 2010
Interesting, fun, and memorable items worth noting: As one of the states of my early childhood, I always enjoy rides through Virginia. Such rides often stir memories of my early years. Regardless, I-81 though Virginia allows for impressive mountain views and also provides a means to relieve one’s stress. Go out and see the Skyline Drive for yourself if you don’t believe me.
The overall road conditions: ‘B’
Adam Trotter / AVT
Interesting, fun, and memorable items worth noting: As one of the states of my early childhood, I always enjoy rides through Virginia. Such rides often stir memories of my early years. Regardless, I-81 though Virginia allows for impressive mountain views and also provides a means to relieve one’s stress. Go out and see the Skyline Drive for yourself if you don’t believe me.
The overall road conditions: ‘B’
Adam Trotter / AVT
Why are the Pine Trees Dying?
April 11th, 2010
If one takes a ride nearly anywhere in our nation, they may notice the large numbers of pine trees apparently dying alongside the roadways. Someone in Colorado once told me why this is happening, but I can’t remember. Does anyone out there know why all the pines are dying along the interstates?
Adam Trotter / AVT
Afterword: August 2nd, 2011
I have since been in contact with several state agencies concerning what is happening to the trees alongside the roadways of our nation. I have been given several possibilities as to why the trees are undergoing such distress - parasites, roadway salts, harsh winters, drought, etc. I will return to update this as soon as some type of general consensus can be relayed.
Sept. 29, 2011
I believe I have zeroed in on the reason for all the pines (and other assorted) trees dying throughout our nation. I don't think many will be happy with what I have deduced! Please stay tuned until I have time to revisit this matter soon with an updated blog entry. Thanks.
March 31st, 2013
Some time ago, I posted a follow-on blog to this entry. See:
If one takes a ride nearly anywhere in our nation, they may notice the large numbers of pine trees apparently dying alongside the roadways. Someone in Colorado once told me why this is happening, but I can’t remember. Does anyone out there know why all the pines are dying along the interstates?
Adam Trotter / AVT
Afterword: August 2nd, 2011
I have since been in contact with several state agencies concerning what is happening to the trees alongside the roadways of our nation. I have been given several possibilities as to why the trees are undergoing such distress - parasites, roadway salts, harsh winters, drought, etc. I will return to update this as soon as some type of general consensus can be relayed.
Sept. 29, 2011
I believe I have zeroed in on the reason for all the pines (and other assorted) trees dying throughout our nation. I don't think many will be happy with what I have deduced! Please stay tuned until I have time to revisit this matter soon with an updated blog entry. Thanks.
March 31st, 2013
Some time ago, I posted a follow-on blog to this entry. See:
Burning Ethanol Fuels Killing Trees? (Draft Copy)
Tennessee, I-59, I-75, I-24, I-81
April 11th, 2010
Interesting, fun, and memorable items worth noting: Tennessee is always an impressive place with interesting scenery. I especially enjoy the ride through eastern Tennessee with the mountain scenery. I always seem to enjoy my time spent in Tennessee.
The overall road conditions: ‘B’
Adam Trotter / AVT
Interesting, fun, and memorable items worth noting: Tennessee is always an impressive place with interesting scenery. I especially enjoy the ride through eastern Tennessee with the mountain scenery. I always seem to enjoy my time spent in Tennessee.
The overall road conditions: ‘B’
Adam Trotter / AVT
Georgia, I-59
April 11th, 2010
Interesting, fun, and memorable items worth noting: Nice scenery. Nice ride. This must be a good year for the red bud trees. This part of northern Georgia looks like an interesting place for exploring.
The overall road conditions: ‘A’
Adam Trotter / AVT
Interesting, fun, and memorable items worth noting: Nice scenery. Nice ride. This must be a good year for the red bud trees. This part of northern Georgia looks like an interesting place for exploring.
The overall road conditions: ‘A’
Adam Trotter / AVT
Alabama, I-59, I-459
April 11th, 2010
Interesting, fun, and memorable items worth noting: Nice roads. Nice trees. Nice ride. Alabama appears as though it would be an interesting place to spend some time. This must be a good year for the red bud trees.
The overall road conditions: ‘A’
Adam Trotter / AVT
Interesting, fun, and memorable items worth noting: Nice roads. Nice trees. Nice ride. Alabama appears as though it would be an interesting place to spend some time. This must be a good year for the red bud trees.
The overall road conditions: ‘A’
Adam Trotter / AVT
Mississippi, I-59
Mississippi, I-59
April 11th, 2010
Interesting, fun, and memorable items worth noting: Mississippi is another nice ride through the southern portion of our nation. The red bud trees and scenery can really make for an enjoyable trip. Mississippi strikes me as a nice place. The commonality of Mississippi township / city names in light of many other towns of the original thirteen colonies alludes to the similarity of the heritage of this region with that of the nation – in my opinion.
The overall road conditions: ‘A.’ Wherever there were any road condition problems, they were being addressed with construction. It would seem more states could follow Mississippi’s lead in this regard.
Adam Trotter / AVT
April 11th, 2010
Interesting, fun, and memorable items worth noting: Mississippi is another nice ride through the southern portion of our nation. The red bud trees and scenery can really make for an enjoyable trip. Mississippi strikes me as a nice place. The commonality of Mississippi township / city names in light of many other towns of the original thirteen colonies alludes to the similarity of the heritage of this region with that of the nation – in my opinion.
The overall road conditions: ‘A.’ Wherever there were any road condition problems, they were being addressed with construction. It would seem more states could follow Mississippi’s lead in this regard.
Adam Trotter / AVT
Louisiana, I-10, I-12, I-59
April 11th, 2010
Interesting, fun, and memorable items worth noting: The ride through Louisiana was sort of a fantastic voyage. Lots of interesting scenery and mostly nice roads to make this an enjoyable ride. There seemed to be a lot of good radio for listening as well.
The overall road conditions: ‘B+’
Adam Trotter / AVT
Interesting, fun, and memorable items worth noting: The ride through Louisiana was sort of a fantastic voyage. Lots of interesting scenery and mostly nice roads to make this an enjoyable ride. There seemed to be a lot of good radio for listening as well.
The overall road conditions: ‘B+’
Adam Trotter / AVT
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Texas: The I-10 Freeway
April 6th, 2010
Interesting, fun, and memorable items worth noting: When driving from El Paso to the eastern border of Texas on the Interstate 10 Freeway, this is one of the longest drives in the U.S while remaining in a single state and while continuing in the same direction (approx 900 miles). This ride is full of some interesting and unique sites. I always enjoy watching the topography change from the western desert type of topography to the more humid Gulf of Mexico greenery. I always have immensely enjoyed my time in Texas.
Not so fun: Driving in through the hills to the east of San Antonio in the dark and with a light rain while driving on somewhat knobby tires. Also, don’t necessarily think you can delay buying gasoline until the next exit, you might regret such a decision.
Overall Road Quality Grade: ‘C+’
Interesting, fun, and memorable items worth noting: When driving from El Paso to the eastern border of Texas on the Interstate 10 Freeway, this is one of the longest drives in the U.S while remaining in a single state and while continuing in the same direction (approx 900 miles). This ride is full of some interesting and unique sites. I always enjoy watching the topography change from the western desert type of topography to the more humid Gulf of Mexico greenery. I always have immensely enjoyed my time in Texas.
Not so fun: Driving in through the hills to the east of San Antonio in the dark and with a light rain while driving on somewhat knobby tires. Also, don’t necessarily think you can delay buying gasoline until the next exit, you might regret such a decision.
Overall Road Quality Grade: ‘C+’
New Mexico: The I-10 Freeway, Dust Storms

April 6th, 2010
Interesting, fun, and memorable items worth noting: Being in a dust storm with excessively high winds and zero-visibility dust clouds was a new, interesting, and unique experience for me. I couldn’t help but to think, maybe a big vacuum or air filter would help to increase visibility (on this day) through this state that is typically fun to visit. I had never heard of roads being closed due to dust prior to this drive. The big and fast moving tumbleweeds were pretty cool too.
Not so fun: Driving in a dust storm with excessively high winds and zero-visibility dust clouds – particularly so when the driver is already tired. Especially not fun when having to get out of the vehicle to pump gas and being pelted with blowing sand.
Overall Road Quality Grade: ‘C+’
Arizona: The I-10 Freeway
April 6th, 2010
Interesting, fun, and memorable items worth noting: If you like desert, this stretch of road through Arizona is also a fun ride. The big saguarro cacti are quite impressive. Also, you can be sure, any place the has cholla cacti (also known as Teddy Bear Cacti) as big as I is one hot, hot place in the summer sun. I have never seen cholla cacti as big as I saw on this ride.
Not so fun: The road to the east of Tucson was in poor condition. Also, try to avoid Phoenix when its rush-hour traffic.
Overall Road Quality Grade: ‘B-’ (west of Tucson), ‘D+’ (east of Tucson)
Interesting, fun, and memorable items worth noting: If you like desert, this stretch of road through Arizona is also a fun ride. The big saguarro cacti are quite impressive. Also, you can be sure, any place the has cholla cacti (also known as Teddy Bear Cacti) as big as I is one hot, hot place in the summer sun. I have never seen cholla cacti as big as I saw on this ride.
Not so fun: The road to the east of Tucson was in poor condition. Also, try to avoid Phoenix when its rush-hour traffic.
Overall Road Quality Grade: ‘B-’ (west of Tucson), ‘D+’ (east of Tucson)
California: The 405, 22, 91, and 10 Freeways.
April 6th, 2010
Interesting, fun, and memorable items worth noting: Driving the California freeways at night is always fun. Typically, during the night there is significantly less traffic on the roadways. Heading out into the low desert through Riverside always makes for found memories. Stopping to look at the windmills near Palm Springs as well as the magic in the air in the vicinity of the Joshua Tree National Park allows one to appreciate these special places.
Not so fun: Watch for construction on the 91 Freeway. I’m sure this route could cause serious grief with any construction delays. For now, it might be best to check for an alternate route.
Overall Road Quality Grade: ‘B-’ (but improving)
Interesting, fun, and memorable items worth noting: Driving the California freeways at night is always fun. Typically, during the night there is significantly less traffic on the roadways. Heading out into the low desert through Riverside always makes for found memories. Stopping to look at the windmills near Palm Springs as well as the magic in the air in the vicinity of the Joshua Tree National Park allows one to appreciate these special places.
Not so fun: Watch for construction on the 91 Freeway. I’m sure this route could cause serious grief with any construction delays. For now, it might be best to check for an alternate route.
Overall Road Quality Grade: ‘B-’ (but improving)
A Freeway / Highway / Interstate Request for Our Government
April 6th, 2010
You know, it seems like common sense to me that any interstate or major roadway in our nation should be a minimum of three lanes wide in both directions. Any freeway that is less than three lanes wide in both directions (at least in our more populated states) seems to represent a likely incompetence, lack of concern, and poor planning by our governments. Why is any interstate not three lanes wide - especially in these days of deteriorating infrastructure and massive unemployment? (I think this is a subject for my other blogs.)
Adam Trotter / AVT
You know, it seems like common sense to me that any interstate or major roadway in our nation should be a minimum of three lanes wide in both directions. Any freeway that is less than three lanes wide in both directions (at least in our more populated states) seems to represent a likely incompetence, lack of concern, and poor planning by our governments. Why is any interstate not three lanes wide - especially in these days of deteriorating infrastructure and massive unemployment? (I think this is a subject for my other blogs.)
Adam Trotter / AVT
Safety Note / Request for Fellow Drivers
April 6th, 2010
If you need to stop for any reason other than an emergency, don’t stop alongside the freeway / highway / expressway. Fyi, in many states stopping alongside a high speed, limited-access roadway is illegal. More to the point, stopping and standing on the shoulder of a major roadway is really extremely dangerous. If you aren’t smart enough to figure this out for yourself, I would hereby request that you get your dumb-ass totally off the freeway / highway / interstate if you need to stop unless you have absolutely no choice but to do otherwise.
Adam Trotter / AVT
If you need to stop for any reason other than an emergency, don’t stop alongside the freeway / highway / expressway. Fyi, in many states stopping alongside a high speed, limited-access roadway is illegal. More to the point, stopping and standing on the shoulder of a major roadway is really extremely dangerous. If you aren’t smart enough to figure this out for yourself, I would hereby request that you get your dumb-ass totally off the freeway / highway / interstate if you need to stop unless you have absolutely no choice but to do otherwise.
Adam Trotter / AVT
Heading East Again
April 6th, 2010
I am now traveling east again. East coast here I come. I typically try to blog about anything interesting or noteworthy in every state through which I travel on these road trips. :)
Adam Trotter / AVT
I am now traveling east again. East coast here I come. I typically try to blog about anything interesting or noteworthy in every state through which I travel on these road trips. :)
Adam Trotter / AVT
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