Sunday, January 24, 2010

Hey California, You Know You Could Use A Bit of Salt or De-icing agents to Keep the Freeways Open.

Jan 23rd, 2010

Most of us are aware that the majority of soil in California likely has a high salt content. Most are also aware of the environmental issues relevant to using salt as a de-icing agent on the roadways to melt snow and ice so that the roadway is safe for vehicular traffic. My friends tell me, however, that California does not allow or use salt on the roads. In light of these facts, nevertheless, it would seem that the California Department of Transportation should consider using some salt to melt snow and ice to keep the Interstate 5 Freeway (‘The Grapevine’) open through the Tejon Pass to therefore allow vehicles traveling to and from Los Angeles access to the rest of the state to the north. When The Grapevine is closed, one must detour for multiple hours to get to the north; or, if lucky, wait for a police escort through the pass. It is well known that severe storms can be lethal in the mountains of California. But I still often wonder if California closes the road / The Grapevine merely for dramatic effect, or something. I mean, in reality, how many days of the year would any salt be required for safe passage over The Grapevine? Ten days? Twenty days? It would seem in the better interest of the state to keep the road open even it such requires spreading some salt. As one who has driven in a lot of snow and ice, the salt does not just evaporate or wash away / run-off immediately, you know. This suggestion is just food for thought, I suppose.

AVT / Adam Trotter

After thought 1/31/2010. Okay. On second thought…. Well, there are a few lakes in the area of the Grapvine / Tejon pass. So, when the weather gets bad and it snows in the mountains, I suppose I can just take a four hour driving detour to avoid the mountain passes and whatever about the spreading of de-icing salt.