Sunday, February 13, 2011

Our City Streets Are In Horrific Condition!!! To the Government Entities of our Nation: Please Rebuild Our Streets and Our Infrastructure!

February 13th, 2011

The City Streets Throughout Much of Our Nation Are In Horrific Condition - at least in most of the nation where I have visited during the recent past and particularly in the majority of the northeastern portion of our American Nation!!! (This subject is a recurring theme in this and many of my blogs, btw.)

And, please don't get me wrong, it's certainly not just the city streets that are in horrific condition either. Rebuild them all!! That's what I have to say about it!

To the Government Entities of our Nation: Please Rebuild Our Streets and Our Infrastructure! Must WE the populace beg for you to act and actually rebuild the roads (and not merely fill the potholes and/or lay a minimal amount of asphalt to cover the horrific road-scapes - which, of course is better than nothing, but...)?

Or, would it be better for the populace to play 'hardball' and demand that the Eleventh (11th) Amendment to the U.S. Federal Constitution be repealed so that we may hold government entities responsible and liable for the continued damage to our vehicles as a result of traversing the horrific roads throughout our Nation?

Adam Trotter, P.E. / AVT

PS. More may be added to this post in the near future.

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